Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene to Newsmax TV: Filing to Impeach Joe Biden

Marjorie Greene will get taken to the woodshed by the house leaders of both parties... Unfortunately, all of northwest Georgia could get their pork barrel spending cut as payback. She should keep quiet and learn the ropes, learn the who's who in DC and then try to bring home the bacon. Y'all should elect me. I could gracefully get us new highways, schools, bridges, heck, even get you a new space port or something. You don't go to DC to ruffle feathers and rock the boat. You go and make deals, you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours...Bring home the bacon...
We need 2 of her cloth in every state as State Representatives... get to the corruption and swamp creatures!

Let's see if we can compare... all the time Trump was being impeached and Russia Russia Russia...

16 years of Bush and 0bama, and nothing on prison reform. Trump got it done.

0bama told Trump that he would have a war with N. Korea on his watch. Trump got our dead home and the missiles stopped. Now Lil Kim is firing them again that he sees Biden.

Trump oversaw the utter end of the ISIS caliphate, and ISIS is practically out of the news these days.

Presidents for decades talked about moving the embassy to Jerusalem. Trump made it happen.

Although fought by the Dem-Communists every step of the way, the nearly 500 miles of wall have cut illegal crossings, and drug and human trafficking by 80 - 90%.

The health industry said it would take from 3 to 10 years to develop a vaccine for the China Virus. Trump's Operation Warp Speed resulted in the development of multiple vaccines in less than a year.

Trump rebuilt our military that 0bama had decimated.

Trump set multiple historic records with the economy prior to the pandemic versus 0bama saying we needed to accept a new normal of 2% GDP (because he was a failure).

The list of Trump's great accomplishments for this country goes on and on.


I also found it interesting that people are calling on Biden to keep the tariffs on China.

Prior to Trump, no one would have questioned why other countries were getting money in a bill to help Americans who had been hurt economically by Covid. Now it was asked by Americans left and right!
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