People fleeing these 5 states

Boss 302

Pursuit Driver
California, New York, West Virginia, Alaska, and Vermont are the five states most people are leaving. The five states most people are moving to are Texas, Florida, New Hampshire, Tennessee, and Virginia. The author of the article below says people are fleeing the first five to live in states that provide more freedom from regulations and taxes.

As democrats, it's in their DNA to believe that only they know how to set up a socialist state correctly, and to never accept responsibility for anything much less the mess they left behind.
It is more than that. They truly think they are being compassionate voting to help "the children", "the Homeless", "The Illegal Immigrant" ... all the lib politicians have some give away to some underserved and impoverished indigent to get ballot measures passed, and the liberal is willing to vote themselves a tax increase to feel good about themselves to help this "group". It really is a sickness... and people I know have explained this to me without realizing how dumb they sound. As you know many are moving, have moved, or are contemplating moving to get out of the high taxation... yet they voted for it all and will vote for it in the next state they go to. Why not just vote no and take back our state?????????

We had a convention center in San Diego they want to make larger... three times on the ballet, each time turned down by the voters... the last time they almost got it passed because they had huge give always to "help the homeless." In there was also carve outs so only union workers would be hired to build it... blah blah blah...

I have cousins who retired to Nevada because... no taxes... they will vote for every lib policy that comes to the ballet and screw the original Nevada people who liked their state before the liberals like my cousins moved there.

MudFlap will be pleased to know a pair of them moved out of the Tempe zip code... both were professors at ASU... two fewer votes from ultra liberals in AZ... they will be messing up Nevada instead.
It is more than that. They truly think they are being compassionate voting to help "the children", "the Homeless", "The Illegal Immigrant" ... all the lib politicians have some give away to some underserved and impoverished indigent to get ballot measures passed, and the liberal is willing to vote themselves a tax increase to feel good about themselves to help this "group". It really is a sickness... and people I know have explained this to me without realizing how dumb they sound. As you know many are moving, have moved, or are contemplating moving to get out of the high taxation... yet they voted for it all and will vote for it in the next state they go to. Why not just vote no and take back our state?????????

We had a convention center in San Diego they want to make larger... three times on the ballet, each time turned down by the voters... the last time they almost got it passed because they had huge give always to "help the homeless." In there was also carve outs so only union workers would be hired to build it... blah blah blah...

I have cousins who retired to Nevada because... no taxes... they will vote for every lib policy that comes to the ballet and screw the original Nevada people who liked their state before the liberals like my cousins moved there.

MudFlap will be pleased to know a pair of them moved out of the Tempe zip code... both were professors at ASU... two fewer votes from ultra liberals in AZ... they will be messing up Nevada instead.
My sister has been living in the Phoenix area for 25 years now. When she first got there, it was a strong red state. She said over the last 15 years, a lot of people have been moving in from California to escape high taxes. The same people who were opposed to paying high taxes vote for Democrats who support all these "compassionate" programs that will result in higher taxes to pay for them. Another big complaint she heard quite often was how some of them left California because of the increasing Hispanic population from illegal immigration; yet they support open borders. As Red would call them, "dumbass."
My sister has been living in the Phoenix area for 25 years now. When she first got there, it was a strong red state. She said over the last 15 years, a lot of people have been moving in from California to escape high taxes. The same people who were opposed to paying high taxes vote for Democrats who support all these "compassionate" programs that will result in higher taxes to pay for them. Another big complaint she heard quite often was how some of them left California because of the increasing Hispanic population from illegal immigration; yet they support open borders. As Red would call them, "dumbass."

And you do not know how dumbfounded I was to discover my own relatives... all highly educated are effen dumbasses.

The one who moved from Phoenix has her doctorate from Harvard. Her husband is of the same cloth. I don't know where he received his doctorate from... He was originally from Chicago, they met in Arizona ...but as liberal as you get now, I am afraid...

Since they moved to Nevada... now they are in my hypocrite column. They had lived in Arizona since 1989 I think
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And you do not know how dumbfounded I was to discover my own relatives... all highly educated are effen dumbasses.

The one who moved from Phoenix has he doctorate from Harvard. Her husband is of the same cloth. I don't know where he received his doctorate from... He was originally from Chicago, they met in Arizona ...but as liberal as you get now, I am afraid...

Since they moved to Nevada... now they are in my hypocrite column. They had lived in Arizona since 1989 I think
They move to Nevada because there's no taxes. They will more than likely vote for Democrats in each election. Before they die, the will say, "Why in the hell did they start making us pay taxes" because of all those Democrats they voted for.

It's amazing how elitist Democrats become after getting a college degree; especially post-graduate degrees. They think they're always right and know all the solutions to the world's problems. They disgust me because they are indeed dumbasses. A college education does not necessarily mean you're smart.
There are incentives offered to those willing to move to battleground districts and bring their liberal voting habits with them in order to increase the odds for a flip. It is by no means coincidental and no different than when the Somalian population were settled in key districts. Where do you think the current invasion of immigrants flooding the southern border will settle? Certainly not Chicago, Baltimore, or Philly as those are already a lock.
There are incentives offered to those willing to move to battleground districts and bring their liberal voting habits with them in order to increase the
Interesting you should say this. Following the Great Potato Famine in Ireland, the US had a ton of Irish immigrants. They were treated like very badly and discriminated against. A lot of people believed the Irish were stupid people; but stupid people they were not. They started to move into specific boroughs in NYC, Baltimore, and Boston. This move eventually gave them the majority vote in those areas and they began electing their own into political offices. They became police officers and they were brutal to those who mocked them. The Irish became a powerful force in these cities.
I like North's pretty laid back. We sold our place in Jackson County Alabama a while back and I really miss it. I'm looking for a place near Valley Head, Mentone, etc. Taxes are much lower, plus we have fewer democrats.
It is more than that. They truly think they are being compassionate voting to help "the children", "the Homeless", "The Illegal Immigrant" ... all the lib politicians have some give away to some underserved and impoverished indigent to get ballot measures passed, and the liberal is willing to vote themselves a tax increase to feel good about themselves to help this "group". It really is a sickness... and people I know have explained this to me without realizing how dumb they sound. As you know many are moving, have moved, or are contemplating moving to get out of the high taxation... yet they voted for it all and will vote for it in the next state they go to. Why not just vote no and take back our state?????????

We had a convention center in San Diego they want to make larger... three times on the ballet, each time turned down by the voters... the last time they almost got it passed because they had huge give always to "help the homeless." In there was also carve outs so only union workers would be hired to build it... blah blah blah...

I have cousins who retired to Nevada because... no taxes... they will vote for every lib policy that comes to the ballet and screw the original Nevada people who liked their state before the liberals like my cousins moved there.

MudFlap will be pleased to know a pair of them moved out of the Tempe zip code... both were professors at ASU... two fewer votes from ultra liberals in AZ... they will be messing up Nevada instead.
Good and Bad.
We have a home in Scottsdale & own land in Northern Nevada ( South of Reno / East of Tahoe )
It's definitely a live and let live culture.

We received a message that someone from California named Newsome recently purchased several acres in our valley.
Thankfully it wasn't that Newsome.
Y'all know my feeling on this. Some of the smartest people I know do not have college educations.

As for people with college degrees...I know some who are very smart and others who can barely tie their shoes. Going to college and getting a BS degree that won't earn you a cent is not smart. Sadly, I know far too many people who did this, and all they have to show for it is a piece of paper and a student loan they can't afford to pay back. OTOH, people with a good mind who are willing to further develop it can do well with a college education. If I had it to do over again, I would have stayed in school and likely went after an engineering degree. Or maybe business management. Or I might have been Van Wilder.
Why single out UGA graduates?


Wow....I almost missed an opportunity to bash UGA. :D
I was watching an interview with a GT basketball player who didn't know yet if he would come back for his senior year or enter the NBA draft. This guy sounded like he didn't have more than a 9th grade education.
Good and Bad.
We have a home in Scottsdale & own land in Northern Nevada ( South of Reno / East of Tahoe )
It's definitely a live and let live culture.

We received a message that someone from California named Newsome recently purchased several acres in our valley.
Thankfully it wasn't that Newsome.
The professors work at University of Nevada, Reno. They live north of there is my understanding. My other cousins live in Sparks, Nevada.

Glad it was not Nancy's Nephew Newsom...