My Prediction on the 2012 Elections



I made this prediction some time ago at another site many of us had frequented. I've decided to make it here, especially since recent national and world events are making things even clearer. We see the civil unrest occuring throughout the Middle East and now we are seeing it in Wisconsin. Remember this administration's motto is, "Never let a good crisis go to waste."

I believe we will see a lot of violent civil disturbances in late Oct '12. There will be rioting that will rival what we saw in major cities during the late 60s. Because of this, Obama will declare Marshall Law as local and state law enforcement personnel will not have the capacity to handle these situations. He will declare it unsafe for people to venture to the polls and therefore suspend the elections.
I wouldn't be surprised. I mean, he has already decided what is constitutional and un-constitutional. He operates outside of the law. Courts rule to lift the oil drilling ban, he ignores it. Courts rule his socialist health care law unconstitutional, he ignores it. On the Defense of Marriage Act, he decides....on his own....that it's unconstitutional and ignores it.

Face it! We have a Felon in the White House. I wouldn't put ANYTHING or ANY ACTION passed him. It is unbelieveable to say the least.
What organizations do you think the DNC will manipulate to cause the civil disturbances? How about unions?
Foxmeister said:
What organizations do you think the DNC will manipulate to cause the civil disturbances? How about unions?

Definitely the Unions and Organizing for America.
While Unions are openly Socialist organizations using the classic Labour vs. Capital arguments and tactics, Organizing for America is not. OFA is more akin to the SDS of my day, but with the huge advantage of modern communication that does not rely on interpretations or filters from any media or group. In other words, they can openly lie without fear of having their message blocked or distorted. I can only imagine where we would be now if the web existed in 1968. The fact that the MSM was in fact for liberal causes then as now does not mitigate the tremendously greater resopurces that the Obama Statist machine is able to mobilize. It is well funded and able to call not only upon the usual suspects in and around college campuses, but the vast financial and communication resources of an entire major political party and union organizations to finance and mobilize socialist insurgent activities.