Is this right, should this happen??


Rolling down the highway
Owebama is messing with the Fed unemployment aid to states, eventually it will cost employers much more in State and Federal unemployment taxes.

I hope everyone realizes the only one's that pay unemployment taxes (federal and state) are their employers. As an employee we are eligible for a benefit we have never contributed to. Our company's unemployment taxes for Georgia have gone from .06% to 8% in the last year.

With that said, Owebama's policies have kept wayyyyy too many people on unemployment for too long, as a result it is costing thousands of dollars more for each business to operate. I'm thinking this has been a contrived way to increase taxes on businesses using the unemployed as scape goats.

Here's the article from Fox News about this.
We all know he isn't "business friendly" at all. It's businesses that are going to give people jobs and he knows this. However, I think his goal is to screw businesses over to make more people dependent upon government programs. He's not only bankrupting the states, but the country.
The only person on earth that is important to him is....well...HIM. He wants his 8 years and legacy of being the first AA president. He knows he is set up for the rest of his life and will probably be on TV more when he leaves office than he is now (if that's even possible), spewing his socialist agenda, self praise and criticism of all things good, holy and conservative.

If the United States is left in ruin because of it, then so be it in his eyes. Heck, they may even proclaim his birthday a Holiday. That is, unless he signs it into law during his final days just beore he pardons all the terrorists that we hold in custody.