Interesting Info...

A co-worker's sister had it. She told him it was the worst thing she ever had in her life. He also had a friend who's father died from it.
A friend's Grandmother is in a Rehab home from having Hip replacement and now has the virus. It apparently is running quickly through the home.
A friend's Grandmother is in a Rehab home from having Hip replacement and now has the virus. It apparently is running quickly through the home.
In my city, now it seems that many of the deaths have been from assisted living and nursing homes... the news was not sharing that little nugget.

SAN DIEGO (CNS) — The number of coronavirus cases in San Diego County rose to 1,693 and deaths increased to 44 Friday, county health officials said.

Half of those deaths, which rose by four Friday, have occurred in congregate living facilities such as assisted living homes and nursing homes, said Dr. Eric McDonald, the county’s medical director of epidemiology.

In my city, now it seems that many of the deaths have been from assisted living and nursing homes... the news was not sharing that little nugget.

SAN DIEGO (CNS) — The number of coronavirus cases in San Diego County rose to 1,693 and deaths increased to 44 Friday, county health officials said.

Half of those deaths, which rose by four Friday, have occurred in congregate living facilities such as assisted living homes and nursing homes, said Dr. Eric McDonald, the county’s medical director of epidemiology.

The idea that it is virtually harmless to young people is catching on again. Police all over are breaking up Coronavirus Parties. There was one in Athens GA last night. I'm afraid grandma might be doomed.
Sigh. And I'm seeing signs that small businesses are saying the heck with the govt and are opening up (in a limited way most times) again.
I don't see people willing to let their business commit suicide since over 78% of people over 70 dying...

We flattened the curve while they got respirators and convinced companies to produce masks... now it is time to get back to work.

I have been working at ground zero since December really... all the people coming in from Asia to vacation. I have not gotten it... or have I?

My staff was super sick December and January... we all are looking forward to cheap tests to come out to see if we are already immune.

People like my mom and other 70 or 80 year olds need to be the ones quarantining as the rest of the world gets back to normal business. Probably no large groups like concerts and Disneyland stuff like that... but regular life needs to start again.
And a lot of that can be attributed to lack of PPP funds. Business owners are not going to sit back and watch their sweat, blood, and tears go down the drain.
^This^. Small business feels screwed over, and for good reason. I, for one, am wanting some butt!

Just chatted with a friend of mine who is a banker and he said the lawsuits are already being filed.
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^This^. Small business feels screwed over, and for good reason. I, for one, and wanting some butt!

Just chatted with a friend of mine who is a banker and he said the lawsuits are already being filed.
I’m afraid many businesses shut down or struggling for survival without PPP funding will begin letting even more employees go to trim payroll and other expenses since there is now no incentive to retain current payroll levels.

I’m not wasting precious cash on a lawsuit but I’m done expecting the goobermint to be of any positive assistance. As another poster here said, I’ve never taken a handout and my business has never borrowed a dime (knock on wood). We’ll find a way.
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I’m not wasting precious cash on a lawsuit but I’m done expecting the goobermint to be of any positive assistance. As another poster here said, I’ve never taken a handout and my business has never borrowed a dime (knock on wood). We’ll find a way.
I haven't either and probably won't at this point. But it still sucks bigtime! I want some butt!
Many of the thrift stores here in White County started opening back up today. I hope they get shut down.
Honestly, now that people are trained to stand on the line markers for 6 feet distancing, using face masks, and stores have gotten plexiglass screens up to distance customers breathing on cashiers, I see a new normal... at least until this passes.

Thrift stores will soon have the same thing as the "essential" stores who are currently open. They will be even more "essential" after the economic bloodbath Covid -19 represents to our citizens. I am not sure why they were closed.
Honestly, now that people are trained to stand on the line markers for 6 feet distancing, using face masks, and stores have gotten plexiglass screens up to distance customers breathing on cashiers, I see a new normal... at least until this passes.

Thrift stores will soon have the same thing as the "essential" stores who are currently open. They will be even more "essential" after the economic bloodbath Covid -19 represents to our citizens. I am not sure why they were closed.
Once I leave work, I don't go to any store unless I absolutely need something. On those few occasions I have been in a store, I see far more people violating the social distancing guidelines than I do adhering to them. I had to stop in Ingle's the other to get some milk. The store had put arrows on the floor making aisles one-way; very few people were following that. I stood at least 6' behind the person in front of me while in line to check out. Some guy stood no more than 2' behind me. While walking through the store, I saw many people standing face-to-face no more than 2' apart having those "I haven't seen you in awhile" conversations.

I've had to spend the last two weeks taking donations at our store in Cornelia (Habersham County). The confirmed cases of COVID-19 cases in Habersham was 48 cases on Thursday and jumped to 72 cases on Friday. That's a significant increase, but didn't stop people from coming to drop stuff off to us. Yesterday, I asked a couple who looked to be in their 60s why they think the confirmed cases increased so much overnight. They blamed it on "all those people who come here from Gwinnett and Fulton counties." Really? They seemed to believe you only catch it from people who come in from other counties. It's that type of ignorance that will cause this virus to get worse.
Your point is well taken but there’s also another to consider. You began with “Once I leave work....” so you’re still blessed with a livelihood. Many are not as fortunate and face the real threat of losing everything they’ve worked towards their entire adult lifetime. The lockdown was never intended to remain in effect until every case ran its course, it was intended to prevent overrunning our healthcare system. I suggest we’ve accomplished exactly that and it’s now time to begin the re-opening process. For those in high risk health categories, including those overcome with fear and anxiety about getting out, by all means continue sheltering in place. For others willing to accept the risks associated with getting back to work by all means do so while practicing good safety precautions.
Part of the reason small business so willingly went along with this was the promise of the PPP. Now that it's apparently been botched, there's quite a revolt going on. It's bigger than people realize. Trump needs to address this now.
Your point is well taken but there’s also another to consider. You began with “Once I leave work....” so you’re still blessed with a livelihood. Many are not as fortunate and face the real threat of losing everything they’ve worked towards their entire adult lifetime. The lockdown was never intended to remain in effect until every case ran its course, it was intended to prevent overrunning our healthcare system. I suggest we’ve accomplished exactly that and it’s now time to begin the re-opening process. For those in high risk health categories, including those overcome with fear and anxiety about getting out, by all means continue sheltering in place. For others willing to accept the risks associated with getting back to work by all means do so while practicing good safety precautions.
Our hourly employees have been away from work now for 4 weeks. The employer has been paying them for 30 hours a week and they get partial unemployment for the other 10 hours. People who had to leave their jobs because of the pandemic are getting unemployment plus another $600 a week, so they are able to pay their bills. Hell some are making more money now than they were when they were working. The legislation passed by Congress and signed into law by Trump also makes the self-employed and contractors eligible for unemployment benefits.