California preschoolers' anti-Biden chant enrages parents: 'Indoctrinating her students'

The comments are spot on:

"Everybody has a right to believe in what they want and my daughter wasn’t given that opportunity. And especially at that age, I don’t even think that she can comprehend to make an informed decision on who and what she should believe in." But in CA a young kid can decide they want to be a different gender. Go figure.

The parent said at that age, she didn’t think her daughter could make an informed decision. No kidding, the kid is a preschooler.

But, if she wanted to become a boy . . . .

Exactly. I don’t agree with what the teacher did either but parents need to tune in 100% about what their children are being taught. I guarantee it’s a lot worse than chanting about the removal of the president.

I too would love to see Biden out of office (or I would if Harris wasn't the alternative!), but a pre-school is not a place for politics. Nor is it a place for race relations, LGBQ promotion, environmental hysteria or any of the other far-left causes that children are being subjected to without their parent's knowledge or consent.

No, we have to realize that we're in a war -- a life and death battle for the very soul of America -- and the Left is winning it. They'll stop at nothing and fight as dirty as they can to 'win' and maintain power. They're actually counting on conservatives to continue acting "better than this" and they're laughing at our naiveté, probably remembering Lenin's famous quote when his murderous Bolsheviks took power in Russia in 1917 (substitute "conservatives/Republicans" for "capitalists"): "When we hang the last Capitalist, the fool will sell us the rope."

The Left, by controlling public education and our college/university system, has already indoctrinated a couple of generations of our children ('lamestream' media reflects it, etc., and have filled the ranks of Antifa and BLM), and it's only been recently that parents have finally wised up to such indoctrination when the egregious race-baiting of CRT finally raised the alarm bell. But if we continue to pretend that by 'playing nice' and 'seizing the moral high ground' we'll somehow defeat the venal, hypocritical, lying Left we're fooling ourselves. IF we don't fight back, we're doomed, and it may already be too late. But just watch how many "let's be classy" RINO Republicans vote to confirm the anti-Constitutionalist, political-activist Jackson Brown and put her on the Supreme Court for life, while recalling how the Dems treated (0 voted for) Kavanaugh and Coney Barrett. The Left has sown the wind; let it reap the whirlwind.