Biden's 'mental acuity' has diminished in the last 4 years, ex-WH stenographer says: 'He's lost a step'

I don't understand why the GOP hasn't pointed out the obvious... That this election is really between President Trump and the Socialist Harris for President.

Biden has agreed to this only to try to get the votes of those moderates and semi moderates that would not vote for Harris should she be in the hot spot. Sigh. Hopefully the moderates will see through this.
Did Biden say in that video workers once shared in the wealth they once created? Perhaps what he meant is, they got a paycheck in exchange for their labor.
He tells more

Biden responded to Trump’s criticism, telling WHTM-TV: “Look at how he steps and look how I step. Watch how I run up ramps and he stumbles down ramps. OK? Come on!" Hey Joe, Trump can remember where he's at when he travels. Trump can talk a long time without losing his train of thought. Trump doesn't need a teleprompter to answer softball questions from the press. Can you say that Joe? I didn't think so.
Who do you want running the country, the guy who walks fast and can't remember if he declared war on someone today or the guy who is mentally sharp and might be bit slower up the steps? I know who I want.