“Security Moms are Back,”

Far West

Pursuit Driver

“When it comes to talking about safe streets and making certain that the police and law enforcement have the resources they need, going after these drug dealers and these drug cartels, securing our southern border, getting rid of CRT in the classroom, these are issues that moms are talking about today.”

She also said that the critical race theory battle seems to be a turning point in the culture war in that is has enraged parents across America.

“What is so interesting to me is the way these cancel culture warriors have chosen to really dig in is with our college kids and on college campuses,” Blackburn said. “For years people would say ‘we want our kids to go to college because we want to expand their worldview We want them to live and experience and understand.’ There was growing credit given to having robust respectful bipartisan debate, where you would have a point and you would have a counterpoint and kids would learn to debate and they would learn reasoning skills. Now, on college campuses, you have professors who say ‘if you are not in total agreement with me, I will write you down. I will mark you down. You have to agree with my opinion.’ Those opinions are generally on the left. We’re seeing this play out right now in critical race theory which is being forced on kids in our schools. These kids are being taught that they should judge people by the color of their skin, not the content of their character—not the person that they are—they aren’t receiving education. They are being indoctrinated. That is why you see parents all across this country standing up and saying ‘hey wait a minute. No—we’re not going to stand for this. We’re going to push back against critical race theory.’ So these are the two sides and you are going to see an even greater push—I have so loved watching some of these parents. There’s a group here in Williamson County, Moms for Liberty, and they are the Mama Bears. They are getting in after this to make certain that critical race theory is not what is taught. We want to make sure children are taught American history, that they are taught civics, that they understand our Constitution, that they realize what this Constitution does—that it protects the freedoms and the rights that they, as a U.S. citizen, that they have—and that there is an appreciation for that. They need to understand that much of this wokeness is coming from Marxism which wants to destroy the nuclear family, destroy the institutions of the church, and wants government to be in control of just about every portion of your life. That is the difference. Do you want these individual freedoms? Do you want to pursue your American dream? Or do you want the left, with your government in control and your government saying ‘we’re going to give you this, but we’re not going to give you that’ and ‘we’ll give you a little bit of freedom but we’re taking freedom away from you and we’re going to give your money and your freedom to this individual over here.’”