‘You’re broke people with lots of degrees’: This North Carolina couple has a whopping $400K in student debt — so Dave Ramsey told them to eat a steady

How in the heck can one person accumulate $308K in student loan debt? I bet she took far more money out in student loans than she needed and lived in a really nice apartment complex with lots of amenities, had expensive laptops and cell phones, perhaps an expensive car, etc.
The over-use of college aside, I am constantly amazed at how many people have zero concept of managing personal finances. I have people in my own family who can't.

We need to put this type of education back into high school.
A lot of the problem is allowing "student loans" to be used for housing, board, or just about anything.

It should be tuition only. If you can't afford to live in the apt/dorm, go to a college near your parents' house.
Yep. One of my daughter's friends bought at least two cars with her student loan funds while she was in college.

She's still deep in debt and she works as a nanny for children. Nothing at all wrong with that, but it's not what she went to college and into debt for.
Yep. One of my daughter's friends bought at least two cars with her student loan funds while she was in college.

She's still deep in debt and she works as a nanny for children. Nothing at all wrong with that, but it's not what she went to college and into debt for.
I seriously doubt if the majority going to college are there for an education, so much as having a 4 year party, and the student loans were a godsend for that goal. Let them rot in debtor's prisons !!