New way to make a Peanut Butter Sandwich...

This is really a thing? Cause spreading peanut butter on bread is so hard??

...........sigh............... I'm getting old..........
This is really a thing? Cause spreading peanut butter on bread is so hard??

...........sigh............... I'm getting old..........
This was trending because of the comments after she posted.. they were brutal:

Because nothing is easier than spreading peanut butter on waxed paper, rolling it flat with a rolling pin, freezing it overnight, then cutting the frozen sheets of peanut butter into bread sized squares and using them to make your honey and peanut butter sandwiches.....

Don't forget also taking the time to pour honey into a bowl and then spread it with a beehive shaped wand.

You forgot to put the sprinkles in a serving dish first! God forbid you sprinkle them right out of the plastic container they are sold in! Such a time saver!!

Love this...since having kids I had to quit my job due to the amount of time I needed to spread peanut butter each day...maybe now I can go back to work part-time!

she must be one of those people from infomercials who can't pour milk, and find themselves in an avalanche of Tupperware falling from their cabinets.

I've never met a soul who rips the bread with peanut butter.

i ripped bread with peanut butter once..or twice never been the same since.

If you can't spread PB without tearing the bread, you have no business being on the Food Network.

Or having children in the first place. They're a bit more work than making a peanut butter sandwich.

Who actually has one of those honey dipper wands? What is she the Honey Nut Cheerios Bee? Give me a break. We all pour honey out of the head of a plastic bear. On another note... that was FAR too much work. Peanut butter is one of the most spreadable substances in existence.

That stick is called a honey dipper and I almost bought one once but my husband asked me why I needed it and I couldn't think of an answer.

Uh, what crazy parent is feeding their kid an open-faced peanut butter, honey, and chocolate sprinkles sandwich?

What parent? The one who also can't spread peanut butter on a slice bread.

My wife and I have talked about having kids for years, but our decision against starting a family always came down to the tedium of spreading peanut butter and not ripping the bread. Neither of us has had success so we felt our home wasn't a place for children. Thank you, Food Network! I'm going to be a dad!

I made this recipe, it was great. I cut out a few steps though and just spread the peanut butter DIRECTLY ON THE BREAD. Life changing!

Almost as easy as spreading peanut butter on bread. Here is a hack, sick of boiling water every time you wanna make pasta, well boil a gallon of water, then freeze it, and save it for next time.

This recipe was horrible and didn't turn out anything like shown. I didn't have peanut butter so I used potted meat spread instead, and we only eat gluten free bread in our family, I did use the same organic Honey and the organic chocolate sprinkles. I can't figure out why everyone raved about this recipe.


Spam goes with everything

I am literally crying from laughing so hard.

Sprinkles and honey on potted meat is a triple win.

For a minute there, I though I was watching someone freeze peanut butter, because it is apparently too hard to spread it on bread. Thank god I was wrong about that. Because that would just be stupid. I mean, WHO would think this was a, " Brilliant," idea?

If your bread tears and shreds as you spread peanut butter on it, this problem is solved by freezing the bread. Two slices of bread straight out of the freezer will stand up to the thickest peanut butter or the hardest butter.

You have GOT to be kidding. Number one, this person has no business on the food network if she can’t spread peanut butter onto bread. Number two, what a waste of time and parchment paper! Number three, I’m worried for her children-if she can’t function enough to make a peanut butter sandwich without problems, what in the world does she do with them?

But she's a sandwich master.

She sticks them in the freezer when they're being too loud quiets them right up

Until I watched this, I was unaware that I had been a savage all along. Applying peanut butter with a knife like a peasant. Thank you, Food Network! #themoreyouknow

Thank you Food Network for making me feel like the greatest Dad of all time!

I may not be a very capable cook, but I can spread PB on bread without this entire (crazy) freezing process.

Next time my wife asks if I just gave the kids PB sammies again, I’ll say “YES” with pride.

When do I get a show on your network?

I can also peel a banana to go with the sammy, using nothing but my bare hands

There's a food development lab at the University of Nebraska (you can thank them for the McRib!) and they tried individually wrapped peanut butter slices ages ago. Everyone hated them.

I'll take a mcrib over her sandwich.

I have always wondered what parchment paper was for! Thank you Food Network lady for making my parchment paper / peanut butter dreams come true

First of all, wtf is a gluggy? Second of all, why make extra work? Store your peanut butter in the cabinet like a normal person. I bet she keeps it in the fridge and that’s why she has a problem.

I'm sorry but are we the biggest bunch of snowflake society that we have to freeze our peanut butter so it doesn't tear our bread?!
♀️ I can't even...

This is it y'all. Mark your calendars, this is officially the dumbest point in human history. Future generations will celebrate this occasion for centuries, as the day that some skinny white lady actually thought that freezing peanut butter was saving time. Truly a miracle.

A hack that takes something very simple and adds steps... ummm why?? Maybe she has a hack to make grilled cheese easier. Sometimes I rip the plastic on the cheese.

Keep the plastic on the cheese, grill your sandwich, freeze it overnight, then pry it open and peel the plastic off the frozen cheese.

bwahaha. Only BPA free plastics though!

the only way to make grilled cheese sandwiches easier is to make toast, slap the cheese on and put in the microwave until cheese melts. My kids call them 'cheaters' Ooh! Maybe I can make a video to share this great hack!

Seriously...this is somehow EASIER than spreading peanut butter on bread??
You post about an 8-step process to prevent the possibility of ripped bread? Are we reaching a bit, Food Network?

Omg this post IS worth it though, simply for the hilarious responses below. I am in tears!

This was a fun sample of comments!
This was trending because of the comments after she posted.. they were brutal:
My wife and I have talked about having kids for years, but our decision against starting a family always came down to the tedium of spreading peanut butter and not ripping the bread. Neither of us has had success so we felt our home wasn't a place for children. Thank you, Food Network! I'm going to be a dad!

If your bread tears and shreds as you spread peanut butter on it, this problem is solved by freezing the bread. Two slices of bread straight out of the freezer will stand up to the thickest peanut butter or the hardest butter.
My two favorite!!!

Many times I enjoy reading people's comments to a story or event more than the article ... shows what real people feel about it and often there are wonderful gems of humor!

My two favorites were sick of boiling water...

Almost as easy as spreading peanut butter on bread. Here is a hack, sick of boiling water every time you wanna make pasta, well boil a gallon of water, then freeze it, and save it for next time.

And the gluten free thread... Potted meat:spitlaugh:

This recipe was horrible and didn't turn out anything like shown. I didn't have peanut butter so I used potted meat spread instead, and we only eat gluten free bread in our family, I did use the same organic Honey and the organic chocolate sprinkles. I can't figure out why everyone raved about this recipe.


Spam goes with everything

I am literally crying from laughing so hard.

Sprinkles and honey on potted meat is a triple win.

she must be one of those people from infomercials who can't pour milk, and find themselves in an avalanche of Tupperware falling from their cabinets.



